Saturday, 26 April 2008

Where are all the applets?

A recent posting on Jim's blog "Eat your own dog food" mentions a cool Applet that provides a 3D view of Manhatten (usefull for SIFMA if you're going in June), I posted a comment on Jim's blog but I also wanted to make my own posting.

I'm now wondering how many other Web 2.0 Applets there are out there - upnext is one I will try to mention in my talk at JavaOne 2008.

I have nothing against AJAX, Flash or Silverlight, but I do believe that Applets are being unfairly treated and I'm surprised Sun doesn't have a library of Applet based Web 2.0 sites, or a library of Applet based products (maybe they do and I've been too lazy to find it).

So my pet project for the next few months will be to find more great Applet products....

Go see Altio at JavaOne 2008.


Anonymous said...

The photo uploader on Facebook is an applet. It's not a great product but it's certainly a high visibility one. It's a surprising choice by Facebook as it seems to me that everything else on the site is solely PHP and JavaScript.

Gary Thompson said...

Jim beat me to it Cool Applets we'll start tracking applets from a new Blog.

Tom - I guess I never noticed the Facebook uploader as I use a Apple Mac plugin, thanks for the comment though.